The Saga of the Stapler

After many years of pulling out bent staples and then stapling a second or third time, we decided to invest in a new stapler. We found a good sturdy one on Amazon that came with a box of staples. Good ole Amazon Prime brought our stapler the next day, but the staples were not in the box. Three days later the staples arrived.

As you can see in the picture, the box is just a little bit big for the staples. This brings up a few questions.

  1. Was the Amazon staffer properly trained on using the smallest boxes to safely package orders?

  2. Did the Amazon staffer care?

  3. Did Amazon run out of smaller boxes?

  4. Is inflation real or is it being caused by employee waste?

Enquiring minds want to know!

I Hate Cooking/I Sorta Like Cooking/I Love Cooking

I Hate Cooking/I Sorta Like Cooking/I Love Cooking

I have discovered that there are 3 categories of cooking. I hate one, sort of like the second, and love the third.

Cooking Type 1
This is cooking dinner (and/or breakfast and lunch) every night for a family. It was at the end of the day, I was tired. My brain power was running low. There was always at least one person who didn’t want what I had made. My husband never cared what I made. And it happened EVERY DAY! I HATE this kind of cooking.

Cooking Type 2
This is holiday cooking! This starts out so fun, but quickly becomes standing in the kitchen for hours. I have big ideas and want lots of different things, but there are always so many other holiday related tasks that also need to be done that I wind up exhausted.

Cooking Type 3
This is the one I LOVE!!! This is the after the kids are gone, look up something new and interesting, make what I like cooking! I am having so much fun with this! I only do it on the weekends when I have plenty of time. I don’t have kids turning up their noses at it. I rarely cook, so when I do, my husband gets excited about it. We have leftovers that last the rest of the week, so I don’t have to cook again. This kind of cooking is the BOMB! No one told me I had this to look forward to back when I was a kitchen drudge! This is the grandchild of cooking! The timer just went off! Gotta go!

Lousy Jokes!

Lousy Jokes!

The jokes my husband tells at lunch! Oy! :\

It was really windy that day. Here is what he had to say about it:

I went out to the pasture last week when it was really windy. All the cows were laying down, but Amos was still standing up all alone. I asked him why he was still standing and he said “We bulls wobble but we don't fall down.”

But wait! That gives me an idea! I’ll be back. I need to go write…

I Kicked Cancer's Butt!

I Kicked Cancer's Butt!

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been busy! Busy kicking cancer’s butt!!! I won’t go into details, but just know that Cancer and I went head to head, and I came out victorious! During my recovery I was able to keep writing and have two new books to add to my list; Bella Lost Her Purr, and Where Do Tacos Come From? Soooo glad to be writing again!

Cow Farts Change the World! ...or Not.

Let’s take a moment to talk about FARTS! More specifically cow farts. I find them to be sooo funny, but, seriously, I had heard that cow farts and other livestock stinky toots and burps are the major contributor to greenhouse gases. Now I hear that this is WRONG! What???? I came across an article about a study done by the EPA and the California Energy Commission that explains that the media is reporting incorrect information about livestock methane production, and it is causing some people to cut meat out of their diets! Apparently, transportation, electricity use, and other human emissions are the top three culprits, with livestock being only 3%. Good news! I also learned that dairy cows produce twice as much methane as beef cows. Those pretty, little ladies that make such good ice cream have some rooty tooty stinky booties! I think I’m going to celebrate this news with a juicy cheeseburger!

Lovely Luna

Lovely Luna

Amazing creatures hide behind trees, beneath clumps of grass, or tucked away in the tractor equipment at our family farm. This week we discovered a beautiful Luna Moth near the barn. They have bright green scales and tails that spin when they fly to disorient predators allowing the moths to escape. The adults only live for about 10 days with sole purpose being to mate and lay eggs. They don’t even eat or drink during this time. Our moth laid over 50 eggs in a coffee can, so I will do my best to prepare a place for them to live predator-free once the little caterpillars begin to hatch over the next couple of weeks.