I Hate Cooking/I Sorta Like Cooking/I Love Cooking

I have discovered that there are 3 categories of cooking. I hate one, sort of like the second, and love the third.

Cooking Type 1
This is cooking dinner (and/or breakfast and lunch) every night for a family. It was at the end of the day, I was tired. My brain power was running low. There was always at least one person who didn’t want what I had made. My husband never cared what I made. And it happened EVERY DAY! I HATE this kind of cooking.

Cooking Type 2
This is holiday cooking! This starts out so fun, but quickly becomes standing in the kitchen for hours. I have big ideas and want lots of different things, but there are always so many other holiday related tasks that also need to be done that I wind up exhausted.

Cooking Type 3
This is the one I LOVE!!! This is the after the kids are gone, look up something new and interesting, make what I like cooking! I am having so much fun with this! I only do it on the weekends when I have plenty of time. I don’t have kids turning up their noses at it. I rarely cook, so when I do, my husband gets excited about it. We have leftovers that last the rest of the week, so I don’t have to cook again. This kind of cooking is the BOMB! No one told me I had this to look forward to back when I was a kitchen drudge! This is the grandchild of cooking! The timer just went off! Gotta go!