Cow Farts Change the World! ...or Not.

Let’s take a moment to talk about FARTS! More specifically cow farts. I find them to be sooo funny, but, seriously, I had heard that cow farts and other livestock stinky toots and burps are the major contributor to greenhouse gases. Now I hear that this is WRONG! What???? I came across an article about a study done by the EPA and the California Energy Commission that explains that the media is reporting incorrect information about livestock methane production, and it is causing some people to cut meat out of their diets! Apparently, transportation, electricity use, and other human emissions are the top three culprits, with livestock being only 3%. Good news! I also learned that dairy cows produce twice as much methane as beef cows. Those pretty, little ladies that make such good ice cream have some rooty tooty stinky booties! I think I’m going to celebrate this news with a juicy cheeseburger!